"Motorola and its customers are addressing an issue affecting a very limited number of Razr handsets sold for GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) networks over the last four weeks," Alan Buddendeck, a spokesman for Motorola, said in an e-mail. "Motorola and its customers have taken steps to ensure an easy exchange process for consumers."
T-Mobile stopped selling the Razr late Wednesday after Motorola told it about the problem, said Peter Dobrow, a T-Mobile spokesman. Cingular stopped selling it in stores earlier in the week, said Mark Siegel, a Cingular spokesman.
A faulty component in the sleek, thin phones caused the calls to disconnect and the phones to reboot.
"We pulled all Razr units from retail, since it was not immediately known which devices had the defective component," Dobrow said. "Motorola is currently working with us to identify the affected units."
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Customers with affected handsets may contact their carrier for an exchange. The problem affects only GSM phones. GSM is a cellular phone technology standard in Europe that is also used by Cingular and T-Mobile in the United States. Razr phones on the Verizon Wireless network were not affected, because Verizon uses a different technology.
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He graduated from Yale in 1902, collaborated with Brian Hooker (1880- ) in a novel, The Professor's Mystery (1911) and alone wrote another novel, bextra The Man in the Brown Derby (1911).. You'll upset! he cried, and not thinking of what he was about, yasmin he laid hold of his friend's arm.. As soon as tea was phentermine over, Mrs.. He found himself altace utterly unable to walk straight.. Fluker, who had seen him as he ranitidine rode into town.. But there was, he was shocked to say, a new viagra sacrilegious intrusion.. Ellsworth, I believe, politely potassium said Mr.. This puzzled the nasonex Frenchman exceedingly; and, being a stranger in those parts, he called to a farmer in an adjacent field.. Then, to Ross's dismay, zantac Abner sank down on the lowest step of the porch, the westering sun full in his hopeless eyes.. Identification is most lunesta often used in hysteria to express sexual community.. Uncle Billy gravely handed it lamictal back.. Fluker, in spite of accidents, had ever set upon lotrel her husband a value that was not recognized outside of his family.. The Major inquired what the old man was doing so far from ritalin his home.. Dat jest what Miss viagra Hortense say.. It forms part of a cycle of soma dreams, and can be fully understood only in connection with the others...
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